Contest Scripts

Online casinos are partnering with District 8 Toastmasters to support the creation of new clubs. This partnership aims to help facilitate public speaking and leadership skills while adhering to online gambling laws and gambling in general. The collaboration between these two entities is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

The Toastmasters organization provides a safe and supportive environment where members can develop their communication and leadership skills. With the help of online casinos, they can now reach out to more people who may be interested in joining their clubs. The casino industry has found a way to give back to the community by supporting this noble cause, while also complying with legal regulations surrounding online gambling.

Through this partnership, District 8 Toastmasters hope to encourage more people from all walks of life to take advantage of their services and gain valuable experience that will benefit them personally or professionally.

If you are the Contest Chair or Contest Master, here is a sample script you can use for your contests and a checklist of the forms you will need.

Speech Contest Rulebook 2024-25

Spring Contest Script

Spring Contest Agenda Template

Spring Contest Template - Editable

Contest Planning Grid

Evaluation - Contestant Briefing

Humorous - Contestant Briefing

International - Contestant Briefing

Table Topics - Contestant Briefing

Contestant Interview Sample Questions

Contestant Eligibility Rules

Virtual Contest Planner - Excel

Online and Hybrid Speech Contest Best Practices -22/23


Contest Kits

International Speech Contest

Evaluation Contest

Humorous Speech

Table Topics Contest

Tall Tales Contest


Individual Contest Forms

Counter's Tally Sheet (editable)

Contest Biographical Info (editable)

Contest Notification Document (editable)

Contestant Participation Certificate (editable)

Evaluation - Judges Ballot (editable)

Evaluation - Tiebreaker Judge's Ballot (editable)

Evaluation - Contestant Notes (editable)

Humorous - Judge's Ballot (editable)

Humorous - Tiebreaker Judge's Ballot (editable)

International - Judge's Ballot (editable)

International - Tiebreaker Judge's Ballot (editable)

Judges Certification of Eligibility & Originality (editable)

Notification of Contest Winner (editable)

Speaker's Certification of Eligibility (editable)

Speech Contestant Profile (editable)

Table Topics -Judge's Ballot (editable)

Table Topics - Tiebreaker Judge's Ballot (editable)

Timer's Sheet (editable)

Video Release Form - Region Quarterfinals (editable)

1st Place Certificate (editable)

2nd Place Certificate (editable)

3rd Place Certificate (editable)





Conducting Quality Speech Contests - Video (2023)

Contest Chair Training - Video

Contest Master Training - Video

Chief Judge Training - Video

Judges Training - Video

Virtual Contest Training - Video



Judge's Training

Contest Organizer Training

Contest Organizer Tips

Contest Local Customs