Farzana Chohan Appointed Regional Advisor

Message from Farzana Chohan, DTM
Appointed 2018-2019  Region Advisor for Region 5

I would like to extend my gratitude to District 8 Toastmasters, who have supported me in my Communication and Leadership journey. Each one of you have inspired me to develop my skills.

I am here due to the trust and support of constellation of mentors in District 8, who have been active in many leadership roles and a source of great inspiration for all of us.

The role of Region Advisor is a volunteer role. The global team of Nineteen (19) RAs are appointed by the Board of Directors and serve a 15-month term from April 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

Region advisors serve as mentors to guide and support the districts while helping increase their capacity to build membership and new clubs.

Thank you District 8!